International Baccalaureate

Sunset Middle School is an International Baccalaureate school that believes in students as individuals and seeks to educate the whole child, both academically and personally. Students will develop the attitudes, habits and values that shape their future as global citizens to become the best version of themselves. In a caring environment, students will build knowledge, compassion, and respect for themselves and their local and international communities.

IB Coordinator

What makes IB at Sunset special?

The IB Connection

Sunset Middle School is connected to the nearly 6000 IB schools throughout the world, and to over 890 Middle Years Programmes in America. These schools form a network that support one another in implementing well-rounded, inquiry-based, student-focused educational programs.

The IB Framework

All Middle Years Programmes work with local standards to meet regional needs of their students, and share a common curricular framework. This framework ensures that students in MYP’s experience a common set of standards and practices used by subject-area experts (scientists, writers, artists, mathematicians, etc.) Our goal is for students to see the relevance of everything they are learning through a global lens.

Approaches to Learning

Teachers in all IB schools use a set of Approaches to Learning in their everyday instruction. These are divided into five categories (self-management, social, communication, thinking, research) of strategies, attitudes, and habits that will help students in their path to success. These skills are explicitly taught to complement the content within each unit.

Teacher Training

Our teachers and administrators have collectively undergone over 1000 hours of official IB training in our IB journey. This training is geared towards supporting us in implementing the IB framework, consistently using best teaching practices, and helping us provide the best experiences for our students as 21st century learners.

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Sunset Middle School